Blacks versus the New Deal (Part II)

As promised, I am posting another one of the anti-New Deal cartoons of the mysterious “L. Rogers" from The Chicago Defender. This one is from April 21, 1934. Although the NRA is in the title, the main focus is on the negative impact of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration on blacks. The Defender was the leading black newspaper in the United States.
David Bernstein at Volokh has commented on the earlier cartoon posted on the NRA.
Bernstein is the author of Only One Place of Redress, which deals with the impact of government regulations on blacks during this period.
These cartoons were part of a larger pattern. As noted earlier, the Defender
strongly applauded the U.S. Supreme Court when it struck down the NRA as unconstitutional in 1935.
Many thanks to Rick Shenkman at POTUS for his patience in helping me to scan and post these photos!