Blogs > Cliopatria > Royal Presidents

Oct 3, 2004

Royal Presidents

From Unmedia, I learned that Kerry is descended from the Prophet Muhammad. After laughing for a solid 10 minutes, I googled. Seems that Burke's Peerage has a press release that documents Kerry's blood lineage:
Sen. Kerry is also descended on his mother's side from Henry I, King of France, and his wife, Anne of Kiev. He is a direct descendant of a daughter of King Harold, the last Anglo-Saxon King of England. As a collateral descendant of Constantine Monamacaqs IX, Emperor of Byzantium, Sen. Kerry is related to all the monarchs of the royal house of France, including a double relationship with Francis I, Louis XIV, Louis XV, sadly with Louis XVI (guillotined) and also Louis XIX, Charles X and the present day Louis XX of France.

The above blood line gives Sen. Kerry kinship with the royal houses of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the princely House of Rus founded in 862 A.D. Amongst his kinsmen can be counted Ivan IV,"The Terrible", Tsar of all the Russias. His descent from the princely House of Rus gives him modern relations, living today, amongst the princely Russian families of Dolgorouky and Obolensky.

Seems Kerry is related to everyone but the King of Spain. But no mention at all of the House of 'Ali. That's ok, though. Sayyid John Kerry just doesn't sound right.

However, something else occured to me. We have Bush II in the White House with Jeb Bush still eyeing a 2008 run. Hilary Clinton on the other end is a sure for the 2008/2012 run. The Bushes and the Clintons seem poised to create dynasties. And the media which builds cults of personalities will love nothing more. Sounds like the Nehru, Bhutto families of the sub-continent. The blood-line denotes a right-to-rule or a right-to-serve, however you look at it. Once entered into the media and political bloodstream, these names spawn generations of leaders and luminaries. They led, hence, they will lead?

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More Comments:

Jonathan Dresner - 10/4/2004

They are 16th Cousins, Thrice Removed already. But Kerry's line got some recent infusions of Jewish blood, which Bush lacks, so the odds of serious genetic difficulties are minimal. Mixed breeds are always healthiest. Unfortunately, both men have only daughters, so unless they are going to produce fatherless children we'll have to wait at least a generation to find out for sure.

Manan Ahmed - 10/4/2004

Ah. So there is ANOTHER peerage chart. My mistake. Thanks for the correction. I owe Unmedia an apology. Though the matter continues to give me glee. Sayyid John Kerry shall he be known, if crowned the new King.

Ralph E. Luker - 10/4/2004

You get a president with four to six toes on each foot?

Oscar Chamberlain - 10/4/2004

What happens if a Bush mates with a Kerry?

Lisa Benson - 10/4/2004

Oh, I'm sorry about the HTML not working - I suppose you can just go straight to the link.

Lisa Benson - 10/4/2004

The Kerry-Muhammad connection is actually in a second Burke's Peerage <A HREF = "">press release</A>, "Senator Kerry's Middle Eastern connections." Interestingly, it also mentions that Elizabeth II is "a direct descendant of the sister of the prophet Muhammad." Combine this with the reference in the first press release to Bush being related to Elizabeth II, and it seems that both presidential contenders have Middle Eastern ties...