Blogs > Cliopatria > Take That, Adam Kotsko ...

Oct 1, 2004

Take That, Adam Kotsko ...

I look with jaundiced eye on the practices of some of my fellow bloggers, particularly Adam Kotsko and Scott McLemee.

To begin with, Kotsko's got some nerve, calling his site"The Weblog," as if his generic claim crowds out all others' to having a blog. Then, he provokes all of us by insisting that"there is nothing outside the blog" (scroll down), thereby staking his claim of title to the knowable and sentient universe. He tries to hide the imperial pretense of it all with late and over-ripe Marxist/Negrian rhetoric about hegemony, just to make sure that we know he's on the side of the oppressed. But the kicker, on top of all that, is when his bourgeois self starts hawking merchandise, all in the name of the revolution, you understand. So, I'm just telling him that he's got some mercantile competition from the original salesman of the faith at St. He feels your pain when he drives you out of bidness.

Then, there's my friend, Scott McLemee. He's a man of the word, don'cha know, so there's lots of interesting text over on his site. But, then he notices that it is visually challenged, so he heists an illustration from Kotsko. I want to know if McLemee hit Kotsko's Paypal tab for that illustration! And, having gussied up his place with Kotsko's illustration, McLemee's got the nerve to send me some e-mail about how much prettier his place is than Cliopatria's. Well, take this, Adam Kotsko, and take that, Scott McLemee:

This is Cliopatria. S/he's not for sale, but s/he's multi-talented and rents out h/is/er services at $20 an hour or whatever the fed's going rate is these days. And, I don't want to hear one word of reproof about my heisting this gorgeous picture of h/im/er from Matt Drudge.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 10/1/2004

Your wish is my command.

Ralph E. Luker - 10/1/2004

I think you misunderstand me, low rent. Kotsko's The Weblog is a great site. Had I been Kotsko, I'd have banned your IP long before he did.

Scott McLemee - 10/1/2004

Agreed, the Weblog is much nicer to look at than my site. But having made a definite commitment to a certain De Stilj / Geocities aesthetic, I plan to stick with it.

Adam Kotsko - 10/1/2004

While I basically agree with the late Chun the Unavoidable's critique of Cliopatria's, shall we say, anti-aesthetic, in all fairness I must confess this Friday that I also agree with a Gauche, who once called Scott McLemee's site a "performative assault on color."

My site is clearly better looking than either of your sites, by a long-shot. And as I take a gander at the SiteMeter stats, I can't help but notice that our warmed-over communist propaganda somehow manages to attract more visits per day than your thinly-veiled methodismofascism.

And my p-- okay, this has probably gone far enough.