Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Age of Might Is Over

Apr 14, 2009

The Age of Might Is Over

"There are few more startling illustrations of this impotence of might than the pirates, or the country they come from. A hundred years ago, any one of half a dozen imperial powers could have conquered Somalia in a matter of weeks with a couple of gunboats and a few battalions.

"Today Somalia has been a collapsed state for nearly 20 years, in lawless confusion that no outside power can or will subdue. It harbours bands of men in light craft armed with rifles who can seize 50,000-tonne tankers flying the flags of western states. And there is almost nothing anyone can do, despite Sunday's escapade."

Geoffrey Wheatcroft explains why the Age of Might is over.

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William Marina - 4/14/2009

In several books almost half a century ago, Carroll Quigley predicted that the Age of Conventional War was over. Robert Gates is now trying to adjust Counter-revolutionary America to that reality by pushing Counter-insurgency warfare.

I doubt he can pull it off with any great success. A great fragmentation, decentralization is underway in many areas, much like the last years of Rome. The motto of the Marina-Huerta Educational Foundation is "Decentralized is Beautiful!"