The Best Show on Television (Possibly)
What’s amazing about “Rescue Me” is that it is absolutely not politically correct. The firemen use all the language they might really use, they talk about all the things they might really talk about (you can imagine, I’m sure), and they face the problems and pressures men in situations like that really face. On top of that, it’s convincingly acted and the story lines are lively, unpredictable, and interesting.
A recent story line is that the fire house has been forced by the Mayor and the courts to have a woman fire fighter. The men of the firehouse hate the idea and the woman, and they are allowed to express exactly what they would be expressing, and in exactly the terms they would use. When the woman actually shows up on her first day and it turns out she’s beautiful, things get a bit dicey; but their heated objections, her defenses of herself, and the workings out, or attempted workings out, of the dynamics are, as I said, about the most honest thing I’ve ever seen on TV.
I quite frankly don’t know how they get away with it. I recommend watching the show before some PC nazi catches on and shuts it down.