Blogs > Cliopatria > Forces of Good: 2, Forces of Evil: 0

Sep 19, 2004

Forces of Good: 2, Forces of Evil: 0

I am still breathless about the Red Sox' 3-2 come from behind victory last night. Chalk one up for the good guys.

Of somewhat less importance, at least temporally, but in what can only be called a similar conquering of good over evil, I have noticed that the New York Times' daily email alerts now have the"quotation of the day." Until very recently, that used to be the"quote of the day." I remember clearly a moment in Brian Duchin's Modern US History seminar at Williams when I said something about a"quote." He corrected me on the spot, telling me"'Quote' is a verb. 'Quotation' is a noun." I felt like an ass, as I should have (and I wrote that admonishing quotation on my folder). And since that moment, I have always used"quotation" as the noun that it is.

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More Comments:

Derek Charles Catsam - 9/20/2004

This is thinking I can get on board with.

Derek Charles Catsam - 9/20/2004

Agreed. Even the Pats won but looked pretty blah in doing so.

Ralph E. Luker - 9/20/2004

It hadn't even occurred to me that there had been a weekend.

Tom Bruscino - 9/20/2004

Let's all agree that this weekend never happened, OK? It never happened.