Apples 'n Trees ...
It really is astounding that you can continue to grasp at straws in order to make scurrilous attacks. Are you ever going to vet one of your own charges for accuracy before you post it? You are such an incompetent asshole. Crawl back in your hole. Or let Michelle keep chopping your limbs off like Monty Python's Black Knight. Either way, moron. I presume you are taking comfort from all the brain dead bigots in law schools across the nation who don't want to know the truth about internment. You are their champion! Enjoy it, because amongst honest people, you are exposed as a complete fraud, now and forever.
Although he is apparently a doctoral candidate in economics at Stanford, the elevator may not go all the way to the top for poor Alec and he seems determined to let us all know about it. Hat tip to Ogged at Unfogged and Brian Leiter.