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Apr 6, 2009

Things Noted Here and There

Lauren Koenig,"Senior Class Day speaker stirs up controversy," inside VANDY, 2 April, notes Vanderbilt student objections to honoring historian/plagiarist Doris Kearns Goodwin. Hat tip.

"Across the Continent, Big Milestones Mean Big Parties," Washington Post, 5 April, tracks this year's multiple anniversaries across Europe.

Linford Fisher,"Comparative Ethnohistory," Religion in American History, 3 April, looks at early American religious and ethnohistory. Fisher will join the history department at Brown in the fall.

Adam Kirsch,"Primary Source," NextBook, 30 March, reviews Grigoris Balakian's Armenian Golgotha: A Memoir of the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1918.

Eric Arnesen reviews David Kushner's Levittown: Two Families, One Tycoon, and the Fight for Civil Rights in America's Legendary Suburb for the Chicago Tribune, 28 March.

Historians' Opinions below the fold ...

Gershom Gorenberg,"The Missing Mahatma," WS, 6 April, reflects on the absence of a militant pacifist Palestinian leader.

St. Olaf's James J. Farrell joins the debate,"101 Uses for a Deserted Mall," Room for Debate, 6 April.

Linda K. Kerber,"Court lives up to its record on civil rights, Iowa City Press-Citizen, 4 April, praises the state supreme court's finding that Iowa cannot restrict marriage to a man and a woman. Kerber was among 23 professors of law and history who had filed an amicus brief in Varnum v. Brien. Hat tip.