Blogs > Cliopatria > I Sally Forth ...

Sep 15, 2004

I Sally Forth ...

I've taken the test three times – doubting the finding each time – but I get the same result each time. So, it must be so:

You are Sally!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
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So, passing quickly from the ditzy to the profound, Caleb McDaniel at Mode for Caleb goes all dialectical on the dissertation.

Update: In comments here, my colleague, Jonathan Dresner, observes that McDaniel's dialectic is"brilliant" and"should be required reading for all graduate students." So, it isn't only ditzy me who thinks so.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 9/15/2004

Scott McLemee and Brandon Watson at Siris came up with Rerun also. Seems like respectable company.

Jonathan Dresner - 9/15/2004

Linus and Lucy's little brother, I think..... a very late character.

Jonathan Rees - 9/15/2004

I was hoping for Linus, but I keep coming up with Rerun. I don't even remember who Rerun is.


Jonathan Dresner - 9/15/2004

... I don't know if I would characterize Sally that way. Not enough questions, and too many that I could have answered multiple ways.

Caleb's dialectic, though, is brilliant and should be required reading for all graduate students.