It can only be a matter of time before CBS concedes that the Killian Memos are forgeries. Northwestern's Jim Lindgren, whose research was so damaging to Michael Bellesiles, weighs in at
The Volokh Conspiracy with what seems to me further convincing evidence in re these documents. Forgeries have a long history, of course.
Geitner Simmons at Regions of Mind recalls forgeries in Soviet disinformation campaigns in the 1980s; and
Brandon Watson at Siris points to the innovations of Giovanni Morelli in detecting fraud in art history."God is in the details," says Watson.
Update: For caution about blogospheric triumphalism in re CBS and the Killian Memos, see Matt Yglesias and the Washington Post article I cite here in comments. If Yglesias is correct, it tends to challenge the argument made by Steve Horwitz at Liberty & Power about the implications of media diffusion. Yglesias suggests that it takes big media to challenge big media convincingly.