Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Mar 26, 2009

Thursday's Notes

Ari Kelman's"A Method to Our Madness," Edge of the American West, 23 March, on books for a course on historical methods, generates a good discussion.

Richard Dunn narrates a slide show,"Taking the long view of the telescope's history," Guardian, 19 March.

Rachel Polonsky,"Pushkin's library lyrics," TLS, 25 March, reviews Alexander Pushkin, Eugen Onegin, trans. by Stanley Mitchell, and Andrew Kahn's Pushkin's Lyric Intelligence.

David A. Bell,"Becoming France," TNR, 1 April, reviews Robert Gildea's Children of the Revolution: The French, 1799-1914.

Jamie James,"A Traveler's Way With Words," WSJ, 20 March, reviews Christopher Benfey, ed., Lafcadio Hearn: American Writings.

Niall Ferguson,"This financial crisis does have a Conservative solution," Telegraph, 24 March, sees three options for conservatives.

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