Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Times They are a'Changin

Aug 26, 2004

The Times They are a'Changin

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Pat Lynch - 8/27/2004

Well said both of you. It seems to me that living up to our principles and rising above the pettiness that can dominate academic life is the best example we can set. Since we get stereotyped as people slightly out of the mainstream, being reasonable, open-minded, patient, and yet committed to liberty sounds like a good road to progress.

Steven Horwitz - 8/27/2004

Common Sense indeed. I can't do any better than that, other than to add "and we treat our faculty and staff colleagues with whom we disagree with an assumption of good faith, intelligence and respect, just as we would expect them to treat us. In doing so, we model for students the process of civil but vigorous disagreement."

Common Sense - 8/27/2004

I think we do it one day at a time. We present lectures and other materials from our vantage point on the truth as we see it. We distinguish ourselves from many of our colleagues by supporting a wide variety of student views in discussion and encouraging them to push their own views further in an intelligent an informed manner. We make it clear they are graded on the quality of their thought, not the correctness of their views. We post on bulletin boards materials from ISI, IHS, and the like. We conduct our classes in such a way that, should they come to see us as libertarians, they will be open to further explorations of that position.