Blogs > Cliopatria > August Vacation

Aug 19, 2004

August Vacation

Obviously the three intrepid Rebunkers are taking a bit of a break during this mid-August downtime. Blog traffic is down, the school year is on the cusp of starting, and things are hectic. Keep checking in, catch up on anything you might have missed, pick a fight over something dumb someone has said on the comment boards, and know that we'll be back with good stuff in the next few days.

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More Comments:

Robert Wisler - 8/20/2004

(Tee Hee)
I knew I heard scattering whenever I stop by

Tom Bruscino - 8/20/2004


When one of my university-provided servants read your comment to me I was so outraged I stopped another servant from fanning me, I put down my peeled grapes, told my harp-player to stop playing, had my servants carry me over to the computer where I am now dictating this response into a golden microphone.

You are lucky. If all of my university servants didn't burst into clouds of golden glitter whenever they stepped off campus, I would send them to hunt you down.

Now look what you've done. All of this excitement has exhausted me. I'm going to take a nap.

Robert Wisler - 8/20/2004

I think you guys are just slacking in your no-responsibility, fantasy world of academia, while the rest of us trudge along in our real world jobs.
Lazy, lazy, lazy....