Blogs > Liberty and Power > What Would It Take for Obama to Quit Afghanistan?

Aug 16, 2009

What Would It Take for Obama to Quit Afghanistan?

Obama Ponders Outreach to Elements of the Taliban.

"Asked if the United States was winning in Afghanistan, a war he effectively adopted as his own last month by ordering an additional 17,000 troops sent there, Mr. Obama replied flatly, 'No.'"

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William Marina - 3/8/2009

Back in 2002 as the FBI formally became involved in matters abroad, the realists held a low-key meeting with the Taliban at an airbase in Pakistan, offering to make a deal.
Having been betrayed at least twice by US duplicity, the Taliban said, "no thanks," but informed the Feds that in 5 or 6 years it would be in control of the situation.
That was a good prediction of what has come to pass, as we again contemplate sucking up to what we perceive as the more moderate wing of the Taliban coalition.
Sort of reminds one of the American Revolution when 1778 the Brits sent the Carlisle Commission to attempt the same task! Obviously, it failed!