Advice to John Kerry
But what about you? You're no crowd-pleaser, that's for sure. Not even the best speech writers in the world are going to turn you into Bill Clinton or Al Gore. You're no Ronald Reagan.
But that doesn't mean you can't succeed.
So what should you say? One point you need to hammer home. You've got to tell Americans that the enemy they face is Islamist terrorists and that you are angry about what they have done and what they plan to do. If you enrolled in Arianna's angry management class, forget what you learned when you get to the part in your speech about the terrorists. SHOW US YOU DESPISE THEM AND HATE THEM.
We know the Democrats hate George W. Bush. What we haven't seen is that Democrats also hate the terrorists who attacked the U.S. on 9-11--and who plan more attacks.
I'm deliberately keeping this memo short so you can go rewrite your speech. There's not much time left to get this right.