Blogs > Liberty and Power > Of Sox and Socks

Jul 26, 2004

Of Sox and Socks

Tim Russert? Tom Brokaw? George Stephanopoulos? John Kerry? Senators John Glenn and Joe Biden? With a line-up like that, one would think one was watching the Sunday morning news shows. Alas, they were all spotted in the stands, or in the broadcast booth, or on the field at Fenway Park last night. Watching the ESPN broadcast of the Red Sox 9-6 victory over my New York Yankees, and seeing John Kerry throw out the first pitch, one thing was certain: This was July. Not October.

Kerry said that he hopes a new White House administration will host the World Champion Red Sox, who last won a World Series in 1918.

All this remains to be seen. After having been swept by the Yanks in early July, the Red Sox took two games from the Yanks this past weekend, amidst bloodied brawls on the field that had the New York press screaming"Stinky Sox" and"Dirty Sox." But one must wonder if this week's Kerry Party and last night's Sox Party are just part of the Summer Wind. There's only 99 days to the November election, and I still have that feeling that Kerry and his Sox (in contrast to Sandy Berger's socks and Bill Clinton's Socks) are headed for the same Fall Fate. (Please note: The fact that New York is hosting that other convention does not mean that the Yanks, like the GOP, are headed for an autumnal victory. But if I were a betting man... I'd say they have better chances than either Kerry or the Sox...)

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Chris Matthew Sciabarra - 7/26/2004

Well, I can't testify to him "throwing like a girl," but I can tell you that it reached the honorary "catcher," fatigues-wearing Will Pumyea, a 23-year old Massachusetts National Guard veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, on one bounce.

George Bush would ~never~ have let that happen... :) but then again, he once owned a baseball team (the Texas Rangers).

David T. Beito - 7/26/2004

A little boy in the stands this morning was quoted as saying that the Kerry "threw like a girl." I would not have thought much about the "larger meaning" of this unflattering statement except that it was on NPR!