The Myth of Bill Gates
Gates and his hirelings, such as Michael Kinsley, continue to promote that Myth, with what has become a fabric of lies, around the supposed genius of Gates' and his newly discovered"Creative Capitalism." When he accepted his honorary degree from Harvard, the drop-out conveniently omitted the role of his dead mother, Mary, in talking IBM's CEO into giving DOS a shot. IBM's management chose DOS over the advice of its own engineers precisely because of its poor quality as they anticipated, incorrectly it turned out, they could take over the OS aspect as well as hardware, after the heat was off with respect to antitrust. Gates' Foundation has also made some incredible boo-boos, documented by The LA Times in a 3-part series last year! For info on Mary Gates extraordinary foundation work, see here.
Why is Gates' promoting himself so, and distorting the past? Ego needs of the world's richest man? My own view is that he is promoting himself for consideration for a Nobel Peace Prize!
Meanwhile, see here to learn about another woman, Mary Lou Jepsen, who was the real force behind the MIT laptop project, which several private companies, mainly Taiwanese, have now made into the incredible netbook, which has started revolutionizing computing (a $200 refurbished Dell netbook, 2.3 lbs, can be converted to Mac OS X for about another hundred $$, making an even better machine than the free, Linux OS which comes with it, and which will make excellent computers possible for virtually every kid in the world, even before India later unveils its supposed $20 version). As you can see in the Wired article, US companies, slow on innovation, have been rather late, Dell & HP, to join in the development.
In 1988, this writer was on a Fulbright grant studying economic development in Asia (Korea, Taiwan & Japan), and, had a chance to meet the young man then starting Acer. I was most impressed with Taiwan, in every way, from food production ideas, which Marina-Huerta Educational Foundation has utilized, to computers, into which we are just now moving. Taiwan has played a major role in China's recent economic development, and, it is a major breakthrough that the two are now negotiating toward an eventual return of all of the great Chinese art stolen by Chiang, and taken to Taiwan when he fled China over half a century ago.
To sum up, what Jepsen gave personal computers was the equivalent of Henry Ford's Model T!
It will be interesting to see, as this writer wrote about a possible"People's Diplomacy," especially in the Caribbean, in the 3rd Ed. of A History of Florida (1999), whether Hillary Clinton's so-called, emerging"Smart Diplomacy," has the wisdom to build upon what these Taiwanese companies have already begun. Now, that would be a real global, educational"Stimulus!"