Blogs > Cliopatria > There You Go Again ...

Jul 18, 2004

There You Go Again ...

We've learned to be skeptical about anything posted at Oxblog about the South. Yale-n-Oxford just don't do Southern Studies well. Today, at Oxblog, David Adesnik is correcting the New York Times's Bob Herbert's rant on the Republican Party's track record on race. So, he says:"Has Herbert forgotten which party governed the Solid South and enforced Jim Crow right up through the end of the 1960s? Has Herbert forgotten that it was a Republican president who used armed force to desegregate a southern university? But forget about the past." Hello, David! I'd say we have forgotten. I'd say we have confused Little Rock, Arkansas, with Oxford, Mississippi. Oxford/No-xford, it all runs together down there somewhere, doesn't it?

Update: David Adesnik at Oxblog corrects his mistake, which is all you can ask and more than you get with a lot of other commentators.

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More Comments:

Richard Henry Morgan - 7/20/2004

Adesnik's faux pas obscures the other point. Ike sent troops into Arkansas. It should be distinguishable from JFK sending troops into Mississippi by the fact that Ike didn't leave bodies strewed about the ground.

The Little Rock story has a darker underside that Clinton quite naturally didn't emphasize on the occasion of its anniversary. Desegreagation of Central High was postponed until the rich white folks of North Little Rock had built themselves an all-white public high school to send their kids to. Then they have the cojones to line up years later to "celebrate" the occasion.

Derek Charles Catsam - 7/19/2004

By that point, Woodward wasn't really teaching much, save for training some grad students. And in any case, just because Manny Ramirez sits in my living room does not mean that I can suddenly turn on a 96 mile per hour fastball.

Ralph E. Luker - 7/19/2004

There are rumors to that effect, but you can't tell it from reading the university's more recent graduates.

David Lion Salmanson - 7/19/2004

er, what about that Woodward fellow, wasn't he resident in New Haven for a spell?

syacey - 1/14/2004

i didnt like it