Blogs > Liberty and Power > Maybe They'll Hit It Off

Jul 17, 2004

Maybe They'll Hit It Off

Thought I would share these two emails in response to my last Fox column which arrived within about an hour of one another:
The tone and language of your questions directed at Senator Edwards clearly expose you as a patsy for the Republican Party, and most of the questions you pose for Vice President Cheney are"softballs" that my grandmother could knock out of the park. Do me a favor, when you get home tonight, go up in your attic where the box of books you kept from your college years is stored and find one of your basic texts on journalism. Read it! Read it again! And try to remember what the words"fair and balanced" really mean.
Typical democrat questions; from a truly liberal. The real questions should be about keeping God in schools and prayers and on our money and in our country. Partial birth abortion should be stopped unless you democrats like killing babies! Protect our free speech and keep our constitution secure. Kick out the anti-gun liberals and the bush bashers, who can't see the trees for the forrest. Tax cuts are good and they have helped us all. The biggest question we should ask all democrats, is do you constantly Lie?, and do you think no one notices the Lies you tell every day? It is hard to imagine that all you democrats think you will not have to answer for the Lies you tell every day. Is telling Lies worth ruining your life?, the answer is yes, so far. No reply is necessary if you are a democrat, because I wouldn't believe you anyway.
I forwarded each email to the other. I thought they might like to meet.

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More Comments:

Matthew Humphreys - 7/21/2004

Mr Balko,

Excellent column, and certainly fair and balanced IMHO. Any chance of Fox News giving you a tv show? :-)


Jonathan Dresner - 7/18/2004

For what it's worth, this disaffected Democrat thought the questions were more or less equally unfair, mostly worth asking, and -- in the unlikely event that they were actually posed to the candidates in question -- unlikely to elicit actual answers.