Blogs > Cliopatria > A Valentine to our readers . . .

Jul 16, 2004

A Valentine to our readers . . .

At the risk of sounding treacly, Rebunk is becoming what it is because of our readers. Blogs can be echo chambers. But in a very short amount of time, we have become a place where people come, argue, talk, shout at each other, and I hope have at least some fun. We want to grow Rebunk, to make it something really good, and our readers are partners in that endeavor. We want it to be like the friendship that Tom and Tootle and I have, which has involved a lot of shouting and arguing and telling each other we were full of what my Romanian grandfather would have called "scata." Actually, my Romanian Grandfather spoke salty English. What he'd have really said was "full of shit." But that did not seem dignified. God, I loved my Grandfather. We want Rebunk to be the place you come, have a beer, and then get really pissed off or provoked or annoyed or intrigued. Like Thanksgiving with the family. But, you know, fun. So keep tuning in. Know that when one of us comes across as a prick, we probably are not, but we are challenging you, as we have challenged each other. Civility may be overstated in a world where people priviledge self-esteem over self worth, so what we want is a bit more of a wild west form of civility with an edge, a code in which bullshit is called, punches are thrown, and it all ends with a beer. Or someone being shot. I guess what I am trying to say is, Thank You.

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