Blogs > Liberty and Power > Why Not Cover Broken Fingernails as Well

Jul 16, 2004

Why Not Cover Broken Fingernails as Well

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Pat Lynch - 7/16/2004

Mr. Woodworth, I'm not sure how my Medicare piece relates to your comment. Am I not getting it or is this a computer glitch?

G.Woodworth - 1/11/2004

Just because someone's views don't agree with your own is no reason they should be banished. Placing topics beyond the pale is just the equivalent of book burning. All views should be entitled to be heard. And it is the least liked that need the most protection.
There should be no areas of discussion placed "beyond the pale", as he urges, as this is just a convenient ruse to stifle discussion and silence ones opponents. Let all views live or die on their own merits without cenorship. Those notions that are foolish will be recognized as such by persons of intelligence.
I don't want anybody else deciding for me what I can hear; and I'm deeply suspicious of the motives of anyone who would want to do so.