Blogs > Liberty and Power > Un-Kosher Congress

Jul 11, 2004

Un-Kosher Congress

Tennesee Rep. Bill Jenkins chairs the House subcommittee that oversees tobacco farming. He also helped write, push, and pass the $9.6 billion buyout for tobacco farms that was part of the pork-laden corporate tax bill.

How convenient, then, that Jenkins himself owns a tobacco farm. And that the bill he helped draft and push through the house will land he and his wife a cool $55,000. In a day's work, Jenkins netted himself more money from U.S. taxpayers than most of his constituents make in a year.

Congressmen are always quick to exempt themselves and their offices from most of the laws they pass. Funny how they forget to include those exemptions when the bill in question gives them a stall at the public trough.

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