Blogs > Cliopatria > Political Matters

Jul 8, 2004

Political Matters

I admit that I have become addicted to the Rasmussen automated polling; despite their questionable methods (the calls are computer-generated), they at least give a sense of where the election is going. Today's news: in Florida, Kerry has assumed a five-point lead over Bush--the first time since the 2000 election that a Bush has trailed statewide in Florida. (Jeb Bush ran ahead consistently in his 2002 re-election.) Bush can win without capturing Florida, but it will be awfully tough.

Lest there be any doubt, The New Republic posts these talking points from Ralph Nader's Oregon volunteers, seeking signatures to get Nader on the Oregon ballot.

And, in a story that's gotten surprisingly little play thus far, this week's TNR cover story. Bush officials pressuring the Pakistanis to find Bin Laden or Mullah Omar during the Democratic convention?

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