Enough with the Nadar Love Already......
However I am going to send him this disgustingly heroic story about Ralph Nadar that I was forced to listen to on NPR yesterday (small confession, when I jog I either listen to CD's or the radio, and in Indianapolis, it's either country music or NPR.....perhaps I should consider silence).
However it's not just the socialists at NPR who can't stop talking about Nadar. Check out this Seattle Times op-ed on him. The friggin guy is everywhere.
Setting aside the fact that Nadar is annoying self-righteous and morally replusive on a variety of issues, most notably markets and free trade, he's also not the only third party candidate who may very well influence this election. Why doesn't the press even bother to consider Michael Badnarik? If he can pull conservative votes away from Bush, and he almost certainly will, doesn't that have the same impact has Nadar? Oh yeah, I forgot that Badnarik hasn't heroically saved us all from Pintos that were never dangerous to begin with.