Blogs > Liberty and Power > Our New Hero?

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Pat Lynch - 6/24/2004

LOL - no I'm a lousy speller, and an even more lousy one late at night!

Pat Lynch - 6/24/2004

LOL - no I'm a lousy speller, and an even more lousy one late at night!

Pat Lynch - 6/24/2004

You make a good point, and as I note, I'm still skeptical. However it also raises a legitimate question about exactly how a libertarian might govern. If you have to make deals on some issues, can we assume perfect adherence with all of our values?

Scott Harris - 6/24/2004

Isn't the word "piques," and don't you mean "whets?" Or is your interest cresting? Me, I am merely intrigued.

Matthew Hunter - 6/24/2004

I am very skeptical about any claims that Schwarzenegger is a closet libertarian, because his">public statements don't support it. As the Governor of California, his state already has an Assault Weapons Ban of its own -- one that is stronger than the federal one. His public office allows him no avenue to influence the debate, so all any "closet libertarian" would need to do is remain silent and let the ban expire.

Schwarzenegger chose to speak out for the ban. That's not libertarian. closet or otherwise.