Blogs > Cliopatria > That Time of Year ...

Jun 23, 2004

That Time of Year ...

If you hadn't noticed yet, it's that time of year. Naomi Chana at Baraita announces her"demise"; the Cranky One is blank; Tim Burke is, well, Distracted; John and Belle are on vacation; and Geitner Simmons, ditto.

The alternative to ablognification is to bring in the guests. Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo features Spencer Ackerman, John B. Judis, and Ruy Teixeira, while Josh is in Antigua getting sea sick and learning to snorkle. The Volokh Conspiracy guests this week are the University of Chicago's Cass Sunstein and the brothers Whitman, an economist and a linguist.

Now that Unfogged is back online, Ogged has the prime left feeds. Christopher Hitchens on Michael Moore is the best read on the right. But, while we're slumming over there, David Beito's and Keith Halderman's crusade at Liberty & Power to redeem the historical reputation of Warren G. Harding appears to be contagious. Their latest recruit: The Volokh Conspiracy's David Bernstein.

Finally, whether you are talking about the film star, Colin Farrell, or the Russian monk, Gregory Rasputin, we don't know whether it is assigned left or right, but it appears to be a big issue.

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More Comments:

Derek Charles Catsam - 6/26/2004

Hell, as someone who has moved a gadozen times (it's a real word. I think.) in the last year, I have no idea where my research is. It is sort of liberating. Unless you don't have tenure. Oh, sh!@. My next book: "Things I think, and why I think them." I'll at least be comfortable among the memoirists, lit-crit folks, and postmodernists. Oh, and Bob Woodward. Ugh. I guess I need that research back after all.

Michael C Tinkler - 6/24/2004

I'm back for 10 days or so -- though blogging may be interrupted by apartment-moving. Ugh. "Personal papers" at their worst. Not archive-dust, but MY dust.

Would it be irresponsible as a historian to just DUMP any papers I haven't looked at since I left Atlanta?

Ralph E. Luker - 6/23/2004

Thanks, as always, for the close reading, Richard.

Richard Henry Morgan - 6/23/2004

Colin Farrell British? I don't think so.