Blogs > Cliopatria > Tootle's Wedding

Jun 22, 2004

Tootle's Wedding

Blogging's been light of late. Steve got married on Saturday night in a beautiful ceremony that was followed by a lovely reception. I met a girl at that reception at Athens' Dairy Barn. I think I'm in love. I'll probably never see her again. Sigh. Steve and Erica are off to Mexico, then they'll move to Colorado for his new job, so our crew that met in Ohio just a few years back is now scattered all over the place. The ride to Caretta, West Virginia, where we are spending the week working with Big Creek People in Action, was a very depressing one. I'm not all that focused. Meanwhile Tom has begun summer teaching at OU, so he'll likely be out of the loop as well for a while. Nonetheless, keep checking in. I'll have something to say soon about our service work here in McDowell County, and hopefully we'll hear from Tom and Tootle soon as well.

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