Blogs > Liberty and Power > In Memoriam

Dec 3, 2008

In Memoriam

Like Sheldon Richman, I am stunned and saddened by Beth Hoffman’s death. For years, I knew Beth only by telephone. I was a contributing editor for the Freeman, and Beth was the ideal managing editor—always calm, always gracious, always giving me plenty of time to review my edited articles. And she had a beautiful voice!

We shared an interest in the craft of writing and the rules of grammar, and we became friends through our long-distance chats. Beth confided that one of her responsibilities was to check for “leaks” in the writing—statements and arguments that undermined the philosophy of freedom.

It was a great joy to meet the person behind the voice some years later at a Liberty Fund conference convened by Doug Bandow (and led by Sheldon, I believe), and to see one another from time to time after that. Beth was always friendly and likable, but had an aristocratic restraint that I respected and admired.

It is sometimes noted that women are relatively rare in libertarian circles. The requirement of complete responsibility for oneself strikes many women as too harsh. But Beth illustrated that a compassionate, generous woman can also be a principled advocate for freedom. Her death is a tragic loss.

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