Blogs > Cliopatria > The Dog Ate My Homework ...

Jun 20, 2004

The Dog Ate My Homework ...

Well, of course, it didn't, but AdWare/SpyWare seized control of my desktop on Friday. So, yesterday, the desktop went off to the repair shop and, with it, went the drafts of three posts at Cliopatria and access to my e-mail addressbook. Really, the posts seemed brilliant enough when I drafted them, but it won't hurt for me to think about them in the week before I'm guaranteed the desktop's return. Since my addressbook is inaccessible, however, I have to resort to this housekeeping post for my colleagues at Cliopatria. I can post here in the next week in only a very limited way and won't be back up to speed until next weekend. When that happens, you can look forward to the introduction of a new Cliopatriarch, a critique of Niall Ferguson's work, and some thoughts on American National Biography. In the meantime, whatever my colleagues can do to keep the conversation moving along here will be greatly appreciated.

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More Comments:

Oscar Chamberlain - 6/21/2004

I trust you Ralph.

But I have had more trouble with potentially honest "the cyberdog ate my homework" excuses this past few months since the email servor crashed in Eau Claire about 5 years ago. And it has not been any one thing. With all of these killer bugs wandering around, everything seems glitchier.

Perhaps in a few years we will all be back to sharp sticks and clay tablets.

Sounds refreshing