Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Wrong Napolitano

Nov 21, 2008

The Wrong Napolitano

Yesterday I saw Napolitano tapped for Homeland Security! I was so excited -- because this bit fit my theory of Obama's appointments. Not a Lincoln, appointing enemies conscientiously, but like a democratic dietician, concerned with getting just the right nutrients into his political body. I thought, optimistically, that Hillary would be at State to push back at the Pentagon, and Rahm as chief of staff would pacify AIPAC while not guaranteeing any additional access. Then I heard it was not constitutional guarddog Judge Andrew Napolitano but instead Governor Janet, 2012 presidential hopeful.

The vision of the author of "Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks its Own Laws," "The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land," and "A Nation of Sheep" in charge of Homeland Security was briefly thrilling. For the first time, I truly felt the audacity of hope, a sense of change in government by government.

My feeling of euphoria, irrational and illogical as it was, evaporated quickly. I felt betrayed, contemptuous of government, and angry at the stupidity of the political system (I mean, more than usual!) And this is the real blessing of the Obama regime -- very soon, a solid majority of Americans will feel this way and simply begin to call the emperor naked, close their wallets, and refuse their consent.

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More Comments:

Robert Higgs - 11/21/2008

I expect Obama to appoint Andrew Napolitano to the Supreme Court the day after hell freezes over.

Keith Halderman - 11/21/2008

The exact same thing happened to me when I first saw the good judge's name. Maybe Obama will put him on the Supreme Court which is where he should be but I am not counting on it.