Blogs > Liberty and Power > Academic Freedom Assaulted Again

Nov 19, 2008

Academic Freedom Assaulted Again

The Baltimore Sun is reporting another case of political correctness infringing on reasoned academic discourse. Some members of the Loyola College of Maryland Economics Department signed a letter apologizing for the racial and gender insensitivity contained in a guest lecture given by economist Walter Block. In his very interesting and detailed account of this incident Block notes that the school is in the process of changing it name to Loyola University of Maryland. He goes on to say that, ”it takes more to make a University, worthy of the name, than number and quality of students, publications of faculty, physical facilities. It also requires a certain openness to ideas, enthusiasm to tolerate different opinions, civility, politeness, willingness to dialogue instead of shutting down debate. Attempts to squelch support for free enterprise and laissez faire capitalism, by smearing adherents as"racists," or"sexists," is simply incompatible with being a great institution of higher learning, worthy of the name ‘University.’”

Hat tip Kenny Rodgers

Cross posted on The Trebach Report

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More Comments:

Keith Halderman - 11/21/2008

If you not invited to speak because of your viewpoint there seldom is any direct evidence of that being the reason, nevertheless, you still do not get to speak.

Ralph E. Luker - 11/21/2008

All you've got are hypothetical threats to free speech. There's no evidence of a denial of speech rights here.

Keith Halderman - 11/20/2008

It is not unreasonable to believe that if they had known in advance what he was going to say then they would not have let him speak. If you know that you are going to have to apologize for something then you try to prevent it happening. Do you believe he will ever have an opportunity to speak there again? How does the incident affect other opportunities to for to present this viewpoint?

Ralph E. Luker - 11/20/2008

Did the University refuse to allow Block to speak? Since when does free speech deny critics the right to push back with other speech? There are far more serious threats to freedom of speech at Roman Catholic institutions than this. Advocates of abortion rights are usually simply not allowed to present their case. That is a threat to freedom of speech. This case is not.