Blogs > Cliopatria > What Hath Cambridge To Do With Disneyland? ...

Jun 15, 2004

What Hath Cambridge To Do With Disneyland? ...

They've had a shot-gun wedding at the University of Southern Mississippi, that's what! Geitner Simmons calls attention to these excerpts from a New York Times article published nine months ago. They comment on extravagant new extra-curricular facilities at some state universities across the country. This note from them caught my eye:
On the drawing board at the University of Southern Mississippi are plans for a full-fledged water park, complete with water slides, a meandering river and something called a wet deck — a flat, moving sheet of water so that students can lie back and stay cool while sunbathing.
President Shelby Thames's plans for a"world-class university" on the Gulf of Mexico, thus, apparently included beating a faculty into submission by firing a few of its tenured leaders, displacing its other elected leadership with an appointed body, and buying off a student body with Disneyworld distractions. This can happen when administrators haven't the faintest idea what a"world-class university" would be.

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