Blogs > Liberty and Power > Marshall Fritz, R.I.P.

Nov 6, 2008

Marshall Fritz, R.I.P.

Sheldon: Thank you for letting us know about the death of Marshall Fritz. He was indeed one of a kind, an engaging personality with terrific podium presence. I only met him once or twice but was immediately taken with him. He kept us laughing (even those of us normally viewed as sucking on a lemon).

As head of Advocates for Self-Government, he modified the Meyers-Briggs psychological test to identify four major personality types -- and gave each one of them a descriptive card and color. This taxonomy explains a lot.

As I recall (I couldn't find them on the Web in a quick look), they were as follows:

Green: Intellectual and serious (most libertarians fall into this group)
Yellow: Dutiful (teachers, for example)
Orange: Active and sociable (backpackers and fitness enthusiasts)
Blue: Sympathetic (bleeding hearts)

With this short outline, Marshall encapsulated the challenges facing libertarians. I am so sorry to learn that he died before his time.

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