Blogs > Liberty and Power > Marshall Fritz, 1943-2008

Nov 5, 2008

Marshall Fritz, 1943-2008

I am saddened by the news that Marshall Fritz, my friend and constant source of inspiration, died yesterday at age 65 after a long struggle against cancer. Marshall was founder of both the Advocates for Self-Government and the Alliance for the Separation for School and State. It was in the latter context that Marshall and I worked together. He founded the Alliance in 1994, just as my book Separating School and State was being published, though neither of us knew in advance what the other was up to. Marshall's conferences (SepCons) were important gatherings of the wide variety of advocates of education freedom and opponents of government schooling. The Alliance continues to play a key role in promoting liberation of families from the state.

Marshall was a great public speaker, whose eloquence flowed from his love of life and his love of liberty. Because of his enthusiasm about the future and his great humor, Marshall was unforgettable. He was as decent a human being as I've ever known. Through all his medical challenges he was unfailingly optimistic and inspirational.

I will miss him very much.

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Less Antman - 11/6/2008

A Catholic mass will be held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help [929 Harvard Avenue] in Clovis, CA on Friday, Nov. 7th at 5:15pm and a graveside service will be held on Sat. Nov. 8th at the Holy Sepulcher Cemetary [7845 Santiago Canyon Road] in Orange, CA at 12pm

Sheldon Richman - 11/6/2008

Excellent, Less.

Less Antman - 11/6/2008

Thanks, Jeff. One correction: my tribute was posted at

Jeffrey Rogers Hummel - 11/5/2008

Less Antman has posted a wonderful tribute to Marshall at Less is spot on referring to Marshall as "a mixture of Dale Carnegie and Murray Rothbard."

Anyone have any information about Marshall's service yet? I assume it will be in Fresno. Although not unexpected, this is still very sad. It has not been a good week for libertarians, with the earlier deaths of Larry Sechrest and Norman Barry.

Stephen W Carson - 11/5/2008

Even though I only had a little interaction with Marshall (he stayed with me a couple times when in St. Louis) he had a great influence on me. He reminded me, as only a handful of people have, of Jesus... Gentleness and sharpness combined in that amazing way described in Jesus' admonition to "be gentle as lambs and wise as serpents".

I continue to believe that if his project of separating school and state is achieved, the tide will have finally turned decisively towards liberty.