Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Collector is at the Door

Nov 3, 2008

The Collector is at the Door

The following from Tom Dispatch is of interest, especially towards the end when Dubya is quoted:

"Now, of course, the bill collector is at the door and the property -- the USA -- is worth a good deal less than on November 4, 2000. George W. Bush is a discredited president; his job approval ratings could hardly be lower; his bubble world gone bust.

Nonetheless, let's remember one other theme of his previous life. Whatever his failures, Bush always walked away from disastrous dealings enriched, while others were left holding the bag. Don't imagine for a second that the equivalent isn't about to repeat itself. He will leave a country functionally under the gun of foreclosure, a world far more aflame and dangerous than the one he faced on entering the Oval Office. But he won't suffer.

He will have his new house in Dallas (not to speak of the"ranch" in Crawford) and his more than $200 million presidential"library" and"freedom institute" at Southern Methodist University; and then there's always that 20% of America -- they know who they are -- who think his presidency was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Believe me, 20% of America is more than enough to pony up spectacular sums, once Bush takes to the talk circuit. As the president himself put it enthusiastically,"'I'll give some speeches, just to replenish the ol' coffers.' With assets that have been estimated as high as nearly $21 million, Mr. Bush added, 'I don't know what my dad gets -- it's more than 50-75' thousand dollars a speech, and 'Clinton's making a lot of money.'"

This is how a legacy-student-turned-president fails upward. Every disaster leaves him better off. The same can't be said for the country or the world, saddled with his"legacy.""

I am beginning to appreciate the finer qualities of Rome, a huge number of holidays for the welfare masses, free food with bulls raffled off after they were killed in the Circus (real Texas barbecue makings) and lots of exciting gore, with gladiators dying for the Emperor! We send our maimed and wounded to VA hospitals, and don't much like to show the collateral damage of families from Syria to Afghanistan blown to smithereens. And, in violation of the law, returned Nat'l Guard Vets in large numbers are not getting their old jobs back, often facing more tours ahead. I doubt Dubya will want to tell any of the"devout" about that, however much he is paid -- the world's most expensive cheerleader! Maybe he'll try out with the gals who cheer for the Dallas Cowboys. They need some support right now!

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