Jun 13, 2004
Brazen Evil
[cross-posted at Austro-Athenian Empire]
William Saletan of Slate has compiled a chronological series of quotations from Bush, Rumsfeld, etc., showing how, even as the abuses at Abu Ghraib were becoming public knowledge, the Administration continued to mouth the line that U.S. troops had forever rid Iraq of"torture chambers and rape rooms." (Thanks to Charles Johnson for the link.)
What ever happened to the Republicans who were so outraged by Clinton's lies about his sex life? Their capacity for indignation seems to have mellowed a bit.
William Saletan of Slate has compiled a chronological series of quotations from Bush, Rumsfeld, etc., showing how, even as the abuses at Abu Ghraib were becoming public knowledge, the Administration continued to mouth the line that U.S. troops had forever rid Iraq of"torture chambers and rape rooms." (Thanks to Charles Johnson for the link.)
What ever happened to the Republicans who were so outraged by Clinton's lies about his sex life? Their capacity for indignation seems to have mellowed a bit.