Blogs > Liberty and Power > Frank Furedi on Capitalism after the "Credit Crunch"

Oct 30, 2008

Frank Furedi on Capitalism after the "Credit Crunch"

This is one of the most interesting and insightful articles on the present financial turmoil that I have read.

Frank Furedi, professor of sociology at the University of Kent in the UK, asks what capitalism is good for.

Furedi writes for spiked, an online resource edited by the self-identified libertarian Marxist Brendan O'Neill. I guess Furedi would also accept this tag. Often the articles they write are more libertarian in content than those written by self-proclaimed defenders of private property and free markets. Readers of Liberty & Power are unlikely to agree with everything Furedi writes in this article but they may be surprised with just how much they do agree with him.

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Allan Walstad - 11/1/2008

Yeah, I know I ripped off a book title, but I wonder what happens whenever principled Marxists come to realize that government officials act on self-interest just as much as "capitalists" do. At that point, what stands between them and libertarianism?