Blogs > Liberty and Power > Barack Hussein Obama: A Safe Pair of Hands

Oct 29, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama: A Safe Pair of Hands

Lest anyone might think the election of Obama would jeopardize the interests of the national security state and the unfolding of its manifest destiny, Arno Mayer assures his readers the U.S. empire will survive Bush. Two parties, one imperial mission.

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William Marina - 10/30/2008

I read this piece yesterday at CounterPunch.
Has there ever been any doubt about the two Parties pursuit of Empire?
The only difference is between the use of "Soft" Power as opposed to "Hard!"
The Demo Think Tanks sketched out the parameters of a "new" Soft Power approach some months ago. If elected, they will essentially attempt to follow it.
The financial weakness of the Empire, its failure to achieve even a Soft Universal Empire means that its bankrupt state will further limit the direct military approach of the past.
That already had problems because the global insurgency does not lend itself to advanced technologies whose collateral damages undercut their efficiency.