Blogs > Liberty and Power > When Will Obama's Bubble Burst?

Oct 29, 2008

When Will Obama's Bubble Burst?

Perhaps in the spring of next year?

Simon Jenkins suggests his supporters should lower their expectations.

"His desire to disengage from Iraq is not appreciably different from that of the Bush administration and the Iraqi government. On the other hand, his clearly expressed wish to beef up the war in Afghanistan is reckless."

"Obama has approved the bombing of targets inside Pakistan (and presumably now Syria) and proposed invasion to "secure" that country's nuclear arsenal. He has backtracked on compromise with Iran and done nothing to suggest an end to the macho provocation of Russia.

"At home Obama would appear from his statements and voting records to be a conventional Democrat, essentially tax, spend and protect with tariffs. While some of this is America's business, the world economy needs a protectionist US like a bullet in the head. American markets open to world goods are vital for recovery, as is America's active participation in the easing of world trade. Obama has shown no sign of accepting this."

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Allan Walstad - 11/1/2008

Look at FDR. Few presidents have been worse for the country, yet his image is all but sacrosanct. Obama's performance may well be lacking, but failures can be blamed on others and used as excuses for pursuing false policies even further. Obama is a master of self-promotion, and it looks like both the media and academia stand ready, for the most part, to prop up his image no matter what.

So just because our bubble gets burst doesn't mean Obama's will. Looks like we're going to find out.