Blogs > Liberty and Power > Jimmy Durante's Musical Ode to Roosevelt and the National Recovery Administration

Oct 28, 2008

Jimmy Durante's Musical Ode to Roosevelt and the National Recovery Administration

This song combines unquestioning hero worship of a politician and unexcelled ignorance about economic basics. Lest you think that this is a relic of a simpler time, compare and contrast with the youtube of the notorious pro-Obama children's choir.

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David T. Beito - 10/31/2008

I doubt anyone looked to Jimmy for economic advice but my point was that his statements reflected common economic fallacies during the period. Roosevelt's theoretical basis for the NRA was just about as sophisticated.

Does the Obama children's choir threaten western civilization? Of course not. It does reveal an uncritical hero worship, however, that is all too common among his backers. Nobody should put that trust in anyone, especially since I doubt that most of the parents of those children could even describe what Obama stands for. It is the image not the substance for all too many of them. Now....that could be dangerous.

Ralph E. Luker - 10/29/2008

This seems silly to me, David. Nobody looked to Jimmy Durante for economic sophistication and "the notorious pro-Obama children's choir" is about as threatening to the health of the Republic as a bunch of cub scouts sitting around a camp fire singing "Kum Bah Yah".

David T. Beito - 10/29/2008

Thanks I missed it. I was searching for good videos for my class on youtube and came across it.

Joel Schlosberg - 10/29/2008

This has been available on for a while (one commenter says that the exterminator is actually the Three Stooges's Moe Howard, how appropriate), and was on the blog and Hit & Run back in March 2007:

Common Sense - 10/28/2008