Blogs > Liberty and Power > Americans Love Taxes?

Oct 25, 2008

Americans Love Taxes?

Over at The Huffington PostSally Kohn has posted perhaps the most ignorant piece of drivel, titled Why I Love Taxes – and Why Most Americans do, Too, that I have ever read. There is so much to respond to here that I will confine myself to three points.

First off, what people really want is for others to pay taxes. Almost all of those clamoring for a tax increase on families earning over $250,000 make less money than that. It would be interesting to know if Ms Kohn’s income crosses that threshold If Americans like to pay taxes so much why isn’t the system voluntary?

Secondly, a piece of advice for the author, if you are going to extol the virtues of government you might want to forgo the example of roads. As someone who often finds himself parked on the beltway that circles Washington D.C. I do not think it really helps your case.

Lastly, when Kohn is listing all of the marvelous things that government does for us with that tax money she neglects to include many things, such as all of the dead Iraqi and Afghani children the taxpayers have recently purchased or the audio tapes of U.S. soldiers having intimate conversations with their wives collected by the NSA and then shared with other government employees on the taxpayer's dime. I could go on in this vein for quite some time and I resent every penny that I am forced to pay at gunpoint for these kinds of activities. Apparently these sorts of things just do not bother Sally Kohn.

Hat tip Kenny Rodgers

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