Blogs > Liberty and Power > Who Needs Evidence?

Oct 24, 2008

Who Needs Evidence?

Around the corner from FEE's offices, on Main Street in Irvington, N.Y., there's a life-size statue of Rip Van Winkle awakening from his 20-year slumber. After reading Jacob Weisberg's Newsweek and Slate columns this week, I feel as though I must have been asleep for an equally long time. According to Weisberg, editor in chief of Slate, the financial turmoil taking place worldwide is the fault of . . . libertarians. That must mean libertarians have been in a position to repeal generations of deep-seated government intervention in the financial and related industries, including the Federal Reserve system. That would have taken a long time, yet I don't recall reading that a libertarian revolution occurred in the United States. Surely it would have been in the newspapers. Hence, I must conclude that I, like old Rip, was slumbering all those years. I missed the revolution! It's the only possible explanation. Unless Weisberg is wrong.

The rest of this week's TGIF,"Who Needs Evidence?" is at the Foundation for Economic Education website.

Cross-posted at Free Association.

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More Comments:

Tim Sydney - 10/25/2008

What the media (perhaps prompted by assumed liberal / social democratic ideology all of their own) don't seem to understand is, just because a "former central-planner-in-chief" admits some respect for free markets, that doesn't make his domain a free market economy.

Jeffrey Rogers Hummel - 10/24/2008

Nice job, Sheldon!