Blogs > Liberty and Power > Nero at His Worst

Oct 18, 2008

Nero at His Worst

When Justice McReynolds read the dissenting opinion in the Gold Clause Cases in the Supreme Court in 1935, he was almost beside himself with rage, departing from his written text to utter such ejaculations as “the Constitution is gone” and “this is Nero at his worst.” If only James Clark McReynolds were here today to witness the government’s bailout of the banks.

McReynolds fumed that the government’s seizure of the country’s monetary gold and its abrogation of all contractual gold clauses, in both private and public contracts, spelled dishonor. “This amounts,” he declared, “to a declaration that the Government may give with one hand and take away with the other. Default is thus made both easy and safe! . . . Loss of reputation for honorable dealing will bring us unending humiliation; the impending legal and moral chaos is appaling.”

None of these objections dented the Roosevelt administration’s zeal to abolish the gold standard and all of its accouterment. These dedicated public servants were too busy saving capitalism to be deterred by plausible claims that they were actually destroying it.

These historical incidents have streamed back into my consciousness often during recent weeks, as I have witnessed the government’s floundering, flailing actions ostensibly to break free the “locked up” credit markets and to induce the banks to lend as freely as they were lending in recent years, when they were inflating the greatest global financial bubble of all time.

Don’t talk to me about heroin or cocaine. If you really want to see an addictive drug, take a look at cheap credit. I have heard that the drug cartel meets in Washington, D.C., in a big white building with a dome and that the drug’s most active pusher is known on the streets as “the Fed.” Although the Fed has been pushing the drug for a long time, everybody is scared of him, and nobody dares to arrest him and shut down his business.

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More Comments:

Mark Brady - 10/18/2008

Ben Shalom Bernanke. And without a note of dissent from his colleague Randall S. Kroszner.

Keith Halderman - 10/18/2008

Today on Paul Krugman wrote, ”In other words, there's not much Ben Bernanke can do for the economy. He can and should cut interest rates even more -- but nobody expects this to do more than provide a slight economic boost.”

William J. Stepp - 10/18/2008

Tuesday, Oct. 14.

"As in all past crises, at the root of the problem is a loss of confidence by investors and the public in the strength of key financial institutions and markets.... The bold actions taken by the Congress, the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance [sic] Corporation and other agencies, ... will lay the groundwork for financial and economic recovery."

1. Kim Jong Il, dictator
2. George Orwell, novelist
3. Ellsworth M. Toohey, fraud
4. Ben S. Bernanke, helicopter pilot and protege of Milton Friedman's favorite Federal Reserve chairman

Tim Sydney - 10/18/2008

TV documentaries often refer to the way J Edgar Hoover "denied" the existence of the mafia until Bobby Kennedy made an issue of it.

Maybe the political / media establishment today is in a similar "denial" stage concerning "the Banksters".

In our denial pit, the Chairman is treated by all and sundry like the Godfather, the great don we never criticise.