Blogs > Liberty and Power > A Different Twist on "Obama Nation"

Oct 5, 2008

A Different Twist on "Obama Nation"

The number of comparisons between Obama and Hilter are increasing, and are numerous already. (A google search on the two terms reveals 3,650,000 hits.)

Most of those are meant either as comedy or are just plain way over the top. But there are some eerie videos making their rounds on the internet.

One was the subject of a recent column by Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post under the headline"Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid." (The article contains a link to the relevant video.)

A second shows a group of young men calling themselves"Obama Youth" and marching and chanting, military-style. They enter chanting"Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega"--apparently comparing Obama to the Christ.

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Russell Hanneken - 10/7/2008

Sheesh, can't a guy criticize some Democrats without people assuming he likes Republicans?

Russell Hanneken - 10/7/2008

Who's saying that? Palin fans don't have the religious fervor that some Obamamaniacs do--has anyone called Palin "a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being . . . who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet?"--but they can be pretty ridiculous.

Jonathan Dresner - 10/7/2008

Palin's fanboys, on the other hand, are the sign of a healthy democratic system.

Gus diZerega - 10/7/2008

All too true, alas. But let's get one thing very very straight.

We have had 8 years of Bush worship by the right, right wing contempt for constitutional principles, such as their creating 'signing statements' and 4th branches of government out of thin air, all while singing the praises of the chief executive as the unitary executive, a kind of elected dictator. (In my opinion this is the chief Mexican threat - that conservatives will give us the PRI form of government.)

Anyone who gets finally concerned now is really a major part of the problem and not a part of its solution. Obama and even his most intense supporters are very small potatoes compared to what we have endured for years under radical right rule.

Mark Brady - 10/6/2008

Exactly. Barack Obama is no Nazi but, as you say, it's not good that so many American citizens apparently worship at the feet of a politician.

Russell Hanneken - 10/6/2008

Obama is no Hitler (did anyone here say he was?), but his cult of personality does call Hitler's to mind. I mean, jeez, we've got women swooning over the guy. We've even got men swooning over him (link 1, link 2). We've got posters and magazine covers that make him look like a religious figure. And now we have adults teaching children to sing reverentially about him.

There's a difference of degree, sure. And fortunately, Obama is no Nazi. But it can't be good for the republic that so many American citizens apparently worship at the feet of a politician.

James Otteson - 10/6/2008

I didn't intend to spread the stench of the Hitler smear of Obama. In fact, I said that the comparisons were either comedic or "way over the top." I myself certainly don't think such a comparison is warranted, although I don't think that the continued comparisons of Bush to Hitler are warranted either. (I do think those videos are creepy, however.)

Russell Hanneken - 10/6/2008

I wish children sang hymns to me when I applied for a job.

Ralph E. Luker - 10/6/2008

Do you know what I find disconcerting, Mark? I find it disconcerting that Klinghoffer's blog and, now, Liberty & Power have done the Hitler-smear on Obama's candidacy. I had expected that the stench would not spread over here.

Mark Brady - 10/6/2008

Ralph, I take your point about the video of the young black men. That said, don't you find the video of the kids rather disconcerting?

Ralph E. Luker - 10/6/2008

Actually, if you knew more about the practice in African-American fraternal organizations, these clips wouldn't be very surprising. I don't find them particularly threatening. Did you ever watch a marching band or a step show?

Mark Brady - 10/6/2008

I imagine not. I'd have more respect for him if he did disassociate himself from this obnoxious nonsense but I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.

I find the video of the kids more chilling than the video of the (older) black youth.

What if Sarah Palin were to desist from her attacks on Barack Obama's "radical" friends and call for him to condemn these videos?

Sheldon Richman - 10/6/2008

Is Obama responsible for this stuff?