Blogs > Liberty and Power > Two Tentative Cheers for Rightwing Talk Radio

Oct 2, 2008

Two Tentative Cheers for Rightwing Talk Radio

Since 2001, I have found it almost impossible to listen for more than five minutes to the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, and Levin. Their zealous cheerleading for war, overflowing xenophobia, and constant shilling for the GOP does not take long to grate on the nerves. During the bailout crisis, however, rightwing talk radio has performed admirably. Without the pressure it exerted, the House would have never rejected the bailout on the first vote.

The contrast between rightwing talk radio and MSM outlets on the bailout issue is striking. Yesterday, I made the the mistake of listening to"All Things Considered" (formerly sponsored by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and heard a litany of pro-bailout voices. For all its vices, talk radio has provided a needed counterweight to the MSM's attempt to manufacture a consensus on this issue.

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