Blogs > Cliopatria > Just When You Thought a Yalie Didn't Need His Nose Pulled ...

Jun 5, 2004

Just When You Thought a Yalie Didn't Need His Nose Pulled ...

Historians could spend a lifetime correcting various stupidities that appear on the net and, still, not contribute anything additional to the sum of human knowledge, so we appreciate it when others step in to do a little history reality check. I've been hard on Oxblog for the Yalies' geographical illiteracy from time to time, but Josh Chafetz is right about this history lesson. However wrong-headed the Bush administration may be, George Bush isn't a NASCAR Nazi and Andrew Johnson's bad decisions did imperil American democracy. Sometimes even a Yalie gets it right. On the other hand, this is a political scientist's folly. The conclusion: presidents who die early in office do not make decisions that imperil American democracy. Speaking of adding to the sum of human knowledge, some disciplines clarify and classify the obvious. Surely David jests! What hath Yale'n'Oxford wrought?

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