Conference Rejections.... Myth or Reality?
I just got word that our panel has been selected for the 2005 AHA Annual Meeting. I'm really proud of this one, too: it's really focused (1870s Japanese reforms) but we're all doing very different work (local history; education; gender and politics), and the commentator is a gentleman whose work has influenced all of us with its fine detail and thematic power. I'm not the chair this time, but I did my share of the leg- and paper-work putting it together.
The thing is.... I've never been turned down for a panel presentation, and I was wondering just how common that is. I'm pretty proud of my record, but we never talk about these things so I don't actually know whether batting 1.000 (Six regional, three national [including two panels organized and chaired], five graduate or one-shot meetings; all but two in the last seven years) is excellent, good, normal, or if I'm actually not trying hard enough. (For what it's worth, my current institution does not consider conferences to be evidence of scholarly productivity; the last one claimed they did, though I never got to test that theory.)
Is the self-selection process sufficiently strong (in other words, does graduate school make us such self-critical overachievers) that rejection is very rare? I haven't been on the selection side of a conference since the Society for Japanese Studies at Harvard conferences in the late '90s, and that was a bunch of graduate students just trying to fit everything into halfway-coherent panels. I know that some other fields use much more stringent selection processes, almost peer-review, rather than the"this is what I think I'll have written by then" abstract that historians and Asian Studies scholars are used to. Anyone here served on a regional or national committee and want to enlighten us? Or want to share a story of rejection, personal or second-hand, deserved or otherwise?
Non Sequitur: Fellow Cliopatriot Miriam Burstein is trying to identify the malady/syndrome resulting from intense archival experiences. My best suggestion so far is"Historian's Cramp" but I actually prefer my wife's"Attention Surplus Disorder": it has more generalizable potential. Other suggestions?