Blogs > Cliopatria > Jon Stewart

May 27, 2004

Jon Stewart

Here is yet another example as to why Jon Stewart matters. (Footnote to Andrew Sullivan for this). Someday I hope someone will be foolish enough to have me speak at their graduation, or bar (or bat) mitvah, or wedding (watch out Tootle -- I'm planning my toast for three weeks from Saturday!). If that happens, funny with occasional serious notes is far better than serious with so-called humor to leaven. Of course it also should be considered depressing that Stewart's"fake" news show is smarter and more insightful than any other news source on television today.

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More Comments:

Derek Charles Catsam - 5/27/2004

Ben --
of course it does not take long for the witch hunt to commence if someone thinks you've crossed the line ...

Ben H. Severance - 5/27/2004

A hilarious commencement address. I don't even remember the ones I heard, they were so boring.

Stewart and the whole crowd on the Daily Show are an entertaining reminder that, despite all the anxiety over the Bush administration and the war on terror, the republic is doing just fine. We should hold nothing in reverence, save perhaps our personal faith, for no one is above or beyond the reach of comic mockery.

Comedy is the highest expression of liberty, so give me comedy or give me death!

Derek Charles Catsam - 5/26/2004

Steve -- I did not even realize you'd posted it on Big tent as well. Great Minds . . .

Stephen Tootle - 5/26/2004

I was struck by how much of it sounded like Groucho Marx, who was brilliant, of course.