Cliopatria's Rodents ...
The Little One will not name the name, but"nature" is mysteriously turning up in her dining room and her kitchen. Sounds like rodents to me. Really, Professor Burstein, you have to put the cat food out of reach or it will only nourish the rodents. (And, ah, you might diplomatically remind Victoria and Disraeli to do their duty.) The Cliopatriarch of Los Angeles loves his chinchilla, Matilde. Still, she is a rodent and the poor dear chewed through an electrical cord. That gave the potentate of Pasadena both a shock and a fright for his birthday. It sounds like SUNY, Brockport, could put my owl to good use, but Pasadena Community College finds its own trouble.
Update: Professor Burstein corrects my misunderstanding. She does not have a rodent problem. Now that that's been cleared up ...