Blogs > Cliopatria > Recommended ...

May 20, 2004

Recommended ...

Seymour M Hersh, "The Gray Zone", The New Yorker. Links to Hersh's two prior articles in the New Yorker are there, as well. Here is the Pentagon's denial of Hersh's report. Thanks to Josh Greenland in comments for the tip.
"The Policy of Abuse", The Washington Post, lead editorial.
Maureen Dowd's "The Springs of Fate", on the other hand, is, well, a bit over-ripe. If you care for serious opinions about"Troy," try: Miriam Burstein's The Little Professor, Ed Cohn at Gnostical Turpitude, Kevin Drum at Political Animal, or David Edelstein at Slate. And, for a proper lesson in the pronunciation of classical Greek, no one better qualified than Belle Waring. Beats my seminary koine any day.
Finally, speaking of wars, Danny Loss at No Loss for Words reflects on the illness of the last Confederate widow to conclude that"historical significance comes not from the past but from the present." Read the whole post for his reasoning. And, while you're there, scroll down to read about his experience of the honors program at Swarthmore. If there weren't some risk of a Swarthie hearing about it, I'd say that's pretty impressive.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 5/17/2004

You can tell I'm am outlier, David. Can't even get the name right. Swarthies/Swatties. Either is better than "Emoroids". The competing T shirt at Antioch is: "If anyone has ever called you odd, why not apply?"

David Lion Salmanson - 5/17/2004

We call ourselves Swatties! But seriously Honors Exams made prelims seem like a piece of cake. Of course the kid is doing the diluted version (only five exams? I had to take 6) but then Carl Abbot said the same thing about his having to take 8. Judging from the grade inflation reports, the "anywhere else it would have been an A, really" t-shirt is more accurate than was intended. My own contribution, although several other people make a competing simultaneous claim, was "Anywhere else I would have been a geek" although I don't think those are in circulation anymore.